Prvi zapis - Perzijci
Naletel sem na zapis Herodota (cca. 430 pred Kristusom), ki je o Perzijcih med drugim zapisal:
It is also their general practice to deliberate upon affairs of weight when they are drunk; and then on the morrow, when they are sober, the decision to which they came the night before is put before them by the master of the house in which it was made; and if it is then approved of, they act on it; if not, they set it aside. Sometimes, however, they are sober at their first deliberation, but in this case they always reconsider the matter under the influence of wine.
Perzijci so torej vsako idejo premislili tako pijani kot trezni, poznamo tisti znani rek - v vinu je resnica. In vino veritas.
Z alkoholom ali brez je smiselno vsako idejo premisliti in jo obrniti ter prevrniti iz vseh koncev. Idejno močni ljudje bodo znali zavreči kakšnih 80 % svojih idej. Leni ljudje pa kar 100 %.
Včasih bi bil rad manj len glede izvedbe svojih idej. Ampak bolje to, kot pa idej nimaš ali pa da so ekstremno slabe in nepremišljene.
Če bi kdo želel prebrati dober zapis o Perzijcih, naj le klikne sem.