how to determine if you are doing it right? can monkey do it?
This applies to regular and maybe repetitive everyday work processes. For example filing, archiving, searching for something, compiling or assebmling data, collecting anything and so on and on.
When you are working on it you should ask yourself:
Could a monkey do this?
If the answer is yes you’re doing it wrong. Your work process is too simple. WTF whilt, what are you saying - too simple???
Yes. It does not require any specific skill - you are just browsing for stuff, looking for something with your arms and brain used as a simple tool. You did not plan enough. Example: you just decided to put some stuff somewhere and now you are wasting your energy on finding something.
What you should do is that you design your work process in a way that enables you to shorten time needed for making something happen.
And of course - all work processes have to be simple, but in an exquisite way.